How To Get Longer Eyelashes - In 12 Weeks!

How To Get Longer Eyelashes 

We've all had those moments of over-using eyelash curlers, and pulling all your eyelashes out; right? No? Just me? Oh. Well, yeah I did do this, and yeah it hurt like hell. Physically, emotionally, mentally. Looking at a strip of my lashes on the inside of my curlers was like looking at a puppy you know you can't have. 

I've tried many things to up my lash game, and often wear falsies (Eyelure 101's if you're keeping track for my birthday ;)). In my journey of lash-dom, I was delighted to hear from the lovely people at fLash who hit me up and offered me to try out their serum. How could a girl resits?

Who are fLash?

An American company, who are crafting their reputation by offering safe and effective cosmetic treatment products that perform brilliantly at an affordable price (what every girl dreams of, surely?).

So, I hear you cry, what is fLash Eyelash Serum*? fLash conditions lashes, even for people with sensitive eyes. It promises to give you long, sexy curled lashes - fast (well, around 6-12 weeks). It's physician formulated and tested and they even offer a money-back guarantee.

Easy 1-2-3 Step Application

1. Open

The bottle is really sleek looking, it's nice and compact so it can slide into any of your make-up bags; or if you're like me, one of your beauty draws. Remove the applicator brush from the tube (which is very similar to a liquid eyeliner), and be sure to wipe off any excess inside the edge of the tube. 

2. Glide

With one easy stroke (yeah, this never happens with liquid eyeliner), glide the brush along the lash line from one corner to the other. Think where you would put the eyeliner, not a mascara.

3. Wait

Just play the waiting game - fLash recommend you allow 2-6 weeks of daily application to start to notice a difference in your lashes.

So I've been using the serum daily (with the odd day missed because my head is like a siv) and my eyelashes are noticeably longer and also seem thicker.

fLash recommend to use the serum for the full 12 week course, but even after about 4-6 weeks you can start to see some results. The bottle is a full 3 month course so you know you won't run out, and like I said, I've used mine daily for the last three months (again, except for the odd day or two - whoops) and I still have serum left, which I'm definitely going to be using all up. 
Before and After

I made sure I took the above pictures after a shower, 4 cotton pads of micellar water and a whole day of no mascara, so trust me - it's legit!  I probably didn't notice how much it has improved the length due to it being over a 12 week period, however now looking at the before and after, there's definitely improvement! (Also, you can see an improvement in my eyebrows, which I recently had waxed ;))

I'm quite lucky that my eyelashes are relatively long anyway, and it only takes one of my handy mascaras to help a sister out. However, I'd definitely recommend this stuff. A picture speaks a thousand words and this pictures shouts fabulous lashes!

You can buy fLash serum, here for £31.00 a pop!

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Sheet Masks - Are They Worth The Hype? Take 2!

So, it would seem the next craze on the beauty scene are Bio-Cellulose Sheet Masks. I'm not sure if you seen my recent review on Timeless Truth eye mask, but now I'm trying When Travelmate Face mask that I received in one of my Birchbox's. I love these masks as they are

like a mini spa facial but in the comfort of your own home. There's no fussing, sticky fingers or left-over mud under your chin. It's all very chic, and perfect for a pamper night that's well deserved and well needed. 

What is When Travelmate?

Travelmate helps you soothe the skin when it is damaged by UV rays, wind, dry cabin air and travel fatigue. Its Swiss Alpine herb extracts gently hydrate your skin, and other natural ingredients help you restore moisture and a healthy glow. Ingredients such as glycerin and sodium hyaluronate moisturize, while extracts from grapefruit seed, bamboo stem, pine leaf, and ginseng help to keep skin healthy and stunning. Perfect for these cold, winter months we're getting!

It's a high-quality face mask that uses a bio-cellulose sheet created by fermenting coconut juice (fancy, right?). When describe its masks as containing a high volume of fluid that's very effective in transferring the liquid nutrients to skin due to its ultrafine, three-dimensional structure. Its also described as comfortable and has a soft texture design to perfectly fit all face shapes.

Sounds pretty damn good and the packaging is pretty snazzy too. 

What's the verdict?

The mask is secured by sheet paper and plastic film, which proved quite difficult to get in to. Getting the actual mask out of the protective layers was really fussy, which takes away the fuss free feeling from using sheet masks, but I got there in the end. When I was eventually ready to begin my spa at home, I placed the mask on my face and found it didn't quite fit my face as they originally claimed. It was far too big which meant it kept sliding off. I kept having to adjust the mask to ensure I was taking in the serum, which as you can imagine wasn't as relaxing as I was hoping for.

I must be honest, even with all this fidgeting, I really liked the mask and am definitely a fan of sheet masks altogether. I took the mask off and rubbed the rest of the serum in to my face and neck as instructed. My face definitely felt generally better overall, and I think it looked a lot fresher. Here are my before and after pictures (which I'm so nervous about posting!). I do find that my face looks plumper and smoother.

They cost £25.00 for a pack of 4, which is quite steep. I wouldn't be buying these to use every week, but for a treat I think they're perfect. I can't imagine the results you'd have if you were using these constantly. No wonder these celebs have the skin they do! I approve (but if you don't have much patients, a face mask in a tub may be a better option for you!).

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What's The Nicest Thing Somebody Has Ever Said To You?

With the fascination and constant updating of Social Media, we're never too far away from a share of a questionable post, Facebook's top bragger or someone with one of those hard to look away posts. Social Media has allowed us to see everyones highs and not so many lows. Everyone gets to paint a perfect picture, which means that when we're actually faced with a low - we feel very alone. 

With all of this in mind, the daily struggles each of us face personally and the fact that it is estimated that one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, while one in six experience a neurotic disorder such as anxiety or depression - it's inevitable that the problem is only going to get bigger. Life is more stressful than ever before, and the internet has given some of the causes a silver platter. 

With the recent articles that have hit the media about the lies behind being "Instagram Famous" I think it's time to spread as much positivity, whenever and wherever we can. It would be nice for our generation to be remembered for embracing peoples flaws and differences instead of bashing and shaming them for it. I do believe that we're getting there - slowly.  

Every now and then I come across a Facebook page, a Tumblr blog, a Twitter feed or an Instagram account that is uplifting in a world where most things are falsified and down right saddening. The key thing that these pages have in common is that it shows real life, real problems, real people - or something I can have a little giggle at! I keep these as my little treasures and when I'm feeling like Sadness from Inside Out, I take my iPhone and just scroll. I find it therapeutic to read some really meaningful shit. Shit that I read and smile with my eyes. Some make me cry, some make me smile. I gain perspective, and all in all, I know I feel a little calmer afterwards.

So let's be human.

Whats the nicest thing somebody has ever said to you?

For me, it was when I was having a bad time with my anxiety. I was sat crying in the car with my friend and she started telling me all these positive things about me. Me? No, that doesn't sound like me. I'm not that person you're describing. Why are we so harsh on ourselves? Why are we always the first to put ourselves down? Someone once told me, "you know it is okay to be your top supporter". But so many of us chose to immediately bash ourselves, and then wonder why our self-esteem is so low. 

She turned to me and said that what she loved most about me was how other people behaved when they were around me. That their demeanor seemed to change and I shed some sort of "light" on others. This honestly touched me like nothing else. For me, this was such a thoughtful, non-throw away comment. When I'm having any of my lows, I try to think of these little positives that others have passed my way. Our minds are our worst enemies at times, so this helps me get out of my funk (along with hot coco and my Winnie The Pooh hot water bottle).

Having been in a very negative relationship previously, I find it hard to forget the things that were said. We're very quick to believe the nasty things people say about us, but too many times has someone said something nice and instead of making me smile it gives me heaps of anxiety and tension. "Why are they saying that? They don't really mean it. They're just filling the silence. Do they actually mean the opposite?" - We need to learn to accept compliments!

I still remember this comment vividly, and I don't think she will ever understand just quite how much it touched me.

Lets share the kind words people have said to you and lets spread some positivity

Here are some of my favourite places to visit when I need to dwell, uplift, or just need to get a bit lost in some scrolling;



BuzzFeed Life 
HuffPost Good News
The Debrief

The Debrief
One of my all time favourites was an Instagram account: @drunk_on_positivitea. Sadly, the girl behind the name has stopped posting due to being too busy with life. Here's hoping she'll find the time to come back and spread the love. 

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