The Ultimate Pamper Product: Timeless Truth's Sheet Mask

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

If you're a follower of my blog you'll remember when I tried the new trend on the market - sheet masks. I've been lucky enough to try Timeless Truth's Eye Masks and When's Full Face Sheet Mask. I honestly loved them both (the eye mask was by far my favourite as I always have bags under my eyes, so was a perfect fit for me). 

So, guess what? I'm back with another sheet mask. This time I'm testing out Timeless Truth's Full Face Sheet Mask, their Herbal Rejuvenation Immortelle Mask*. 

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

I've never had perfect skin, but I've also never had terrible skin. Like most, I go through patches of good and bad. For some reason, I'm going through a bad patch (particularly, around the bottom of my face *cries*). I'm also off to London on the weekend, and having a spray tan beforehand, so I thought this is the perfect opportunity to get some pampering in (as best a reason as any right?).

What's the verdict?

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

So this went on much better than when I tried When's Sheet Mask. It stayed in place for the whole 20 minutes, and even got firmer as time went on (which made me feel like it was working). My skin definitely felt much firmer after it and really soft. 

This mask is said to reduce fine lines, dryness and some blemishes, and leave your face smooth and silky! I definitely feel it's lived up to it's big promise. 

See for yourself below, pictures starting before, during and directly after! 

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

You can buy this sheet mask here for £4.90.

(*) Please click here for full disclaimer. 

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How To Feel Proud of Yourself

How to feel proud of yourself

Most of us shy away from being overly confident or proud of ourselves. We are very quick to bash ourselves, and most find it difficult to even express that they've done a good job. There's a few simple steps you can take to start feeling prouder of yourself, giving you good self worth and making your mind a little kinder (we can all do with being a little kinder). So here are my steps, on how to feel proud of yourself...

How to feel proud of yourself

This can be any little or big thing that's been achieved for the day. Whether it's sending an email you've been putting off, calling to book an appointment somewhere (one of the worst parts of being an adult), or something as big as getting a promotion. Write it down and celebrate you

A good place to keep these accomplishments is your diary, this way if you're having a bad week, you can look over the past 7 days and see what you've achieved.

How to feel proud of yourself

Did somebody speak to you wrong and you dealt with it great? Or maybe you tripped up and brushed it off. Overcoming little things is part of life, and the more you do this and celebrate your success the more you can feel proud of your journey. Soon the smaller things won't bother you so much, and you can start celebrating the bigger stuff. 

Don't ever forget about the little stuff though, that's what got you to where you are.

How to feel proud of yourself

Stop overthinking what will go wrong, and start thinking about whether this is a task you're actually able to overcome. If you are, then start putting steps in place to get through the struggle and actually overcome it. If it isn't something you are possibly able to overcome or help, then accept that and move on. 

Don't dwell on something you can't change.

How to feel proud of yourself

When your best friend is having a tough time, what do you do? Well, I'll tell you what you don't do - you sure as hell don't tell them all the bad things about them, or tell them that how their feelings are irrelevant. No, no you don't do you? You tell them all the good things about them, and why you love them. Do this to yourself! Stop beating yourself up and celebrate yourself. 

Don't kick somebody when they are down - including yourself.

Stay positive,

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HD Brows In a Bottle

Perfect brows in just two seconds.

If you're a newbie to the brow game, or don't have a spare 30 minutes to spend on your brows each day (who does?), Maybelline may have just answered your prayers. 

Recently when having a binge in Superdrug, I came across Maybelline Brow Drama Sculpting Mascara. I was originally looking for a clear mascara that I could use for prepping my brows, but I'm so glad I stumbled upon this little gem!

Perfect brows in just two seconds.

It's as easy and simple as it looks. You literally just swipe it over each brow, and they are done. Just like that. It's perfect for the day, or a more subtle look. I've got it in dark blonde, and it suits me perfectly. It goes with my skin-tone and my very light hair!


I paid just £4.99 for this bad boy in Superdrug, but it's also on Amazon for £3.75.. I know? Bargain. 

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8 Lazy Girl Beauty Hacks

I'm a busy girl, and sometimes a good beauty hack is just what I need to make sure I can sleep in as much as possible and spend the day not looking like I only took the 15 minutes to get ready that I actually did (although sometimes, this definitely shines through). 

What are these 'hacks' I hear you cry? Well, you lucky bunch, I divulge;

1. Volume Whilst You Sleep

If you're all about getting extra volume in your hair, then put dry shampoo on before you sleep and leave it work its magic through the night. Spray it on the roots only and use a bobble to pull your hair up high on your head. You'll wake up with lifted roots.

For the busy female, we could all do with a few tips that saves us some time, or gives us an extra 5 minutes in bed.

2. No Nail Vanish Remover Needed

Who has time for nail vanish remover? There's now a nail vanish that peels off. How easy is that? Especially if you're like me, I'd leave mine chip away for days! If you're interest you can find my full review here.

3. Showering On a Tan

Uh, yeah. If you haven't heard about this, where on earth have you been? St Tropez recently brought out an amazing product that tans you whilst you shower. It's easy to use and gives you a nice little glow! 

For the busy female, we could all do with a few tips that saves us some time, or gives us an extra 5 minutes in bed.

4. False Eyelashes with an Added Bonus

Eyelure 101 eyelashes are my ultimate fave. There's a big reason why! The strip is a thick black, so when you have them on, it actually appears if you've done your eyeliner across the lid!

5. Eyebrow Stencils

This is honestly a thing, and it's good. I ordered them from eBay and got a few different shapes in the pack. They are a life saver if you're just started out, or doing your eyebrows is just not your thing! They're only a couple of pound too!

6. Wavy Hair

Wash your hair, and stay away from the hair dryer. Then get a plastic bobble and tie your hair up in a sort of bun. Wrapping it in itself. You should wake up with wavy hair.

7. Decrease Whilst You Shower

No time to iron your clothes? No problem! Pop it on a hanger and hang it in the bathroom whilst you shower. The steam from the shower will decrease your clothes.

8. Moisturise Whilst You Shower

Just like the fake tan hack, you can also moisturise in the shower. You rub it all over like body wash and wa-lah! 

For the busy female, we could all do with a few tips that saves us some time, or gives us an extra 5 minutes in bed.

SERIOUSLY, how amazing is all of this? Like, you can definitely fit an extra 3-4 minutes in bed because of this. You are welcome.

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