The Ultimate Pamper Product: Timeless Truth's Sheet Mask

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

If you're a follower of my blog you'll remember when I tried the new trend on the market - sheet masks. I've been lucky enough to try Timeless Truth's Eye Masks and When's Full Face Sheet Mask. I honestly loved them both (the eye mask was by far my favourite as I always have bags under my eyes, so was a perfect fit for me). 

So, guess what? I'm back with another sheet mask. This time I'm testing out Timeless Truth's Full Face Sheet Mask, their Herbal Rejuvenation Immortelle Mask*. 

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

I've never had perfect skin, but I've also never had terrible skin. Like most, I go through patches of good and bad. For some reason, I'm going through a bad patch (particularly, around the bottom of my face *cries*). I'm also off to London on the weekend, and having a spray tan beforehand, so I thought this is the perfect opportunity to get some pampering in (as best a reason as any right?).

What's the verdict?

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

So this went on much better than when I tried When's Sheet Mask. It stayed in place for the whole 20 minutes, and even got firmer as time went on (which made me feel like it was working). My skin definitely felt much firmer after it and really soft. 

This mask is said to reduce fine lines, dryness and some blemishes, and leave your face smooth and silky! I definitely feel it's lived up to it's big promise. 

See for yourself below, pictures starting before, during and directly after! 

If you're looking for a clean and simple way to get spa standard treatments for your face at home, look no further - Timeless Truth Sheet Masks have you covered.

You can buy this sheet mask here for £4.90.

(*) Please click here for full disclaimer. 

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