My Black Friday Bargains

So, it's been like one year since the manic Black Friday sales hit the UK. For me, Black Friday was always the Friday just before Christmas where everyone would go to their local pub and get absolutely smashed/trollied/plastered. Having questioned this with a few people, it doesn't seem that this was a thing for everybody! I sure as hell didn't ever participate, and only once did I ever brave a Christmas Eve trip to the pub, although got demanded home by 11pm as my mother would have murdered me if I'd have been hungover on Christmas Day. And no matter how old I am, she still thinks I should be sleeping by midnight on the dot ready for 'Santa' to arrive.

We seem to have taken on the American tradition of Black Friday, sometime in November, the Friday after 'Thanksgiving'. I mean, this is a bit bizarre that we've taken this on - we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so why the need to take on this 'holiday'? What ever the reason, it seems to have made people and retailers a little loopy. This year included, albeit much more controlled than the absolute havoc that was raised last year. 

I didn't plan in getting involved in Black Friday. I think it's a little bit of a farse, and you can definitely get better deals throughout the year, but they smack on a catchy looking slogan and banner and it seems to do the trick. Well, I kinda, sorta, definitely didn't stick to my "not getting involved" in Black Friday promise. 

I was browsing Missguided as I usually do - popping things in my basket then sadly clicking the 'x' at the top right hand corner. However, on this occasion, I spotted 20% off everything banner (the glitsy ones as mentioned previously), which I thought was pretty good. So I put an order through for two dresses and two tops. I felt I did well. The two dresses were for work, one top also for work, and one going out top;

Then, after I'd checked out - I saw they were having flash sales. Like, literally one every three hours. I had to have a look, because the previous ones were really juicy! I waited eagerly for the flash sale to start and to my delight it was 50% off jackets. Now, it wasn't as if I needed anymore jackets, but with 50% off I definitely could've fitted a few more in my closet. Also, with my new work attire I just ordered (excluding the drop hole bodysuit, that would be an interesting day at the office) I could've used some knitwear to top it off. Here's what I ordered;

Okay - I didn't stop there. I'm surprised Randy from Chase-Visa hasn't been calling me. 

The final installment of my Missguided ravage was their 50% off tops. I was subtle this time. With the other two orders, the "Free UK Next Day Delivery over £60" got me absolutely hook-line-sinker. However, for my third order, I stopped myself, and just paid the £3.00 delivery cost. I mean is it just me, or when I see those sorts of offers do I think that it works out cheaper to spend the £60 rather than the £20 I wanted to originally, just because I get free delivery? Like what sort of logic is that? Marketing genius is what it is. Anywho - here's what else I got;

In all fairness, I got one of my packages the next day as promised, and the other two came a day late, but I was even surprised at that because I can't imagine the amount of orders that must have been put through!

My favourite buy was definitely the Grey Bomber Jacket. It is SO comfy and makes me feel a little bit like the Michelin Man. 

Did you manage to nab any Black Friday/Cyber Monday - whateverthehell you want to call it - bargains? 

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My Room 101

What would I put in Room 101?

Okay, so there are plenty of serious things I would like to actually put in Room 101, however; there are also lots of annoying little things that the human race do that make me so angry I want to pull the head off a Barbie doll.

Today, I'm going to focus on those little pet peeves that peeve me the blog off. What better way to get out my built up frustrations, than slapping it on t'internet to see if any other weirdo's agree with me?!

The Word 'Haul'
Since entering the blogging world, this word has absolutely taken the biscuit. Everywhere I turn, somebody, somewhere, some how, is having a 'haul'. 

Noisy/Sloppy Eaters
Your mouth is not a washing machine. Please don't invite me in by swirling your food around your mouth in an open fashion. It's disgusting and actually makes me want to physically punch broken glass.

People With No Manners
Either when you open a door, or let them through on a junction. A. Simple. Thank. You. I am not here to serve you, sir. 

Wolf Whistling 
In no circumstance have I ever witnessed somebody be on the receiving end of a wolf whistle, and it end in positivity. Why do people think a wolf whistle will make you turn around and think, "Hmm that's the man for me. The guy who is glaring at me, with a weird grin from over the road. The whistler." THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Stop it.

One Floor Elevator Journey
Unless you have a particular reason why you are using the lift to go up one flight of stairs, get out and walk it. Seriously, one flight of stairs isn't going to kill you. I've been partial to a two flight lift journey (on my lazy, lazy days) but one flight is taking the wee-wee.

Clumpy Mascara
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But clumpy mascara doesn't look good on anybody. I honestly, truly believe that. It looks like you haven't washed your make-up off for days and could do with a teeny tiny comb.

Okay, I'm sorry if anybody was upset from the above. I was upset writing it. Living it. My purpose of this post was not to offend, but to extinguish my agonising pent up frustrations. I thank you, sweet internet. 

What would you put in Room 101?

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Kleem Organics - The Serum with 20% Vitamin C Content

For the past few weeks I have updated my skin care routine. Up until a year ago - that skin care routine didn't even exist. I began with the basics and started using a set of toners, moisturisers and cleansers. I only found that this seemed to make my skin worse with the amount of added extras that they seem to put in the solutions. I decided I needed something that was very natural and had no scary added bits.

Ever since then I've been using the Dead Sea Spa Face Wash and Exfoliator, and every day I use Garnier Micellar water. I must admit they have been a god send. The water is exactly what I wanted. It's fresh, clean and drama free. My skin has drastically improved. You see, I suffer with blotchy redness on my cheeks, and have a lot of bumps under my skin. So for a while, I've felt what I've been doing has been sufficient and has helped.

A photo posted by Mimi (@datblogdoe_) on

I've recently spoken with the owners of Kleem Organics* who have kindly offered me their product to try. I've added this to my regime for the past 5 weeks. First impressions - a very sleek bottle and smells deliciously fruity and fresh! The key thing about this product is the Vitamin C content - a whopping 20%, which is currently unprecedented in the UK.

Kleem Organics Key Points

Due to its light consistency, the serum penetrates deep inside the skin working on a cellular level, preventing, protecting, nourishing and repairing the skin cells with the vitamins they need to maintain a fresh, vibrant appearance. 

The high percentage (20%) of Vitamin C ensures maximum antioxidant potential in order to protect the skin against UV radiation & environmental pollution (including cigarette smoke). And the best part of all - its natural stimulation of collagen, completely renews and rejuvenates the skin from the inside out, reduction of pore size, translating into less acne and blackheads on the skin, plus elimination of excessive oil from the skin, which makes the skin less prone to acne (I know right, wowser!).

How do you use it?

The instructions tell you to use a small amount each day and rub it all over your face. I used this as part of my night-time routine. I used one pump of the serum and ensured it was all over, especially my problem areas. After it dries (which is quite quickly, about 10 seconds so be sure to rub it in fast!) you start to feel your face slightly tightening.

Does it work?

With a product like this, you can't expect to see results overnight. You need to be using the products for a good few weeks to ensure you're giving yourself realistic expectations! I've used the serum for a good few weeks now, and I started noticing very small enhancements quite early on, not massive improvements, but minor ones. The elasticity of my skin seemed to be better and more youthful (I'm in my twenties so I'm not fighting a massive battle here, but still every little helps).

I also found that the blotchy redness - the stuff that made me look like I'd ran 3 laps - seemed to die down. Again not massively difference but enough of a difference that I've noticed. It has really made my skin brighter, a glow if you will, and definitely feels fresher. I'm still in the process of using my serum, so I'm hoping these improvements are going to continue! 

You can try Kleem out for yourself here. Let me know what you think of it!

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Sheet Masks - Are They Worth The Hype?

I'm always up for trying new things, so recently I caught up with Timeless Truth and their new product on the market. They offer a new kind of mask; a sheet mask. I know right? What is it? Basically it's a sort of cotton cloth with an already built in mask for your pamper nights.

The main appealing thing for me was no more 'peel-able' face masks that actually get stuck to every nook and crannie of your face (is it just me?!). Timeless Truth were kind enough to offer me a sample to try, and I received their Eye Rejuvenating Bio Cellulose Eye Mask

If you're anything like me, under the eye area is a uh-not-looking-so-fresh area. Said to reduce dryness and relieve that all important puffiness, it also soothes and tones this area of fragile skin.

What are Sheet Masks and how are they different?

Sheet Masks are definitely the latest beauty obsession. And you can see why - a mere twenty-minute application can transform skin so that it is plump, glowing and hydrated.

Timeless Truth has launched a range of sheet masks suitable for all skin types. The sheet masks use fabric which have beneficial properties: elastic-cotton for enhancing anti-ageing results and bio-cellulose for intense hydration.

What's the verdict?

So I was a little hesitant at first. I opened the packet and it was so slimy! The product inside did kind of go a little everywhere as I wasn't expecting it - so if you've got one to try, watch out for this! I followed the instruction on the back - pulled the eye mask out of its protective coating and slipped it on. I then used the left over serum over the rest of my face, concentrating on the eye area.

Immediately after taking the sheet mask off (after 20 minutes), my eye area felt noticeably tighter. It looked way less puffy and just looked more rejuvenated with a nice soft touch.

They suggest you do this 3-4 times a week! Seems a little much for me (especially at 15-20 minutes a pop) and personally, I would only do something like this when I'm having one of my pamper nights. However, it does a quick fix after one, so I can't imagine the results after a constant use!

Overall, I'd definitely invest in more of these, specially for my cosy nights in!

Have you tried any sheet masks?

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Too Faced - Better Than Sex Mascara

I'm the type of person who has spent years looking for each of my individual make-up products. I don't stick with a particular brand, I don't have a fave (although, some come quite close!). I have a total mix of brands in my make-up draw. It's an uphill battle for foundation still, but that's for another blog post! 

I found my primary mascara a few years ago now, and once I've found the one, I hardly ever budge. I mean, it takes ages to find the exact one that suits you individually. As we all know - what works for one, doesn't necessarily work for the other. The adverts may be fancy, the products may look glam, but you have to try it for yourself to see if it fits in with you. 

Better Than Sex by Too Faced. Lets give this a go and see if it becomes the new staple piece in my make-up bag!

My go to mascara is Max Factor's False Lash Effect. I have naturally quite long eyelashes, but they're really light - especially the tips. I get this in black, and it does add that false lash effect and this is definitely one of the staple pieces in my make-up bag.

I've heard a lot of Too Faced's Better Than Sex mascara* recently, and now I'm going to try this bad boy out. Let's see if this can deviate me out of my norm, shall we?

Better Than Sex by Too Faced. Lets give this a go and see if it becomes the new staple piece in my make-up bag!

What's different about Better Than Sex?

Well, firstly, the brush is in the shape of an hour glass. It's shaped this way to allow the brush to coat and curl each lash to give it that full, defined, stretched-to-unbelievable lengths look. 

It has collagen-fueled formula, which is smudge proof for an all day wear and contains acacia senegal tree extract which nourishes, thickens and locks the curls in place. 

Is this going to live up to it's big, massive, HUMONGOUS hype?! Lets take a looksie...

The Verdict

Right, so this did have big boots to fill -- I love my normal mascara. It filled them to the brim, and poured a little over the top. I went back to my Max Factor one after a few days of using Better Than Sex, and my eyes looked so much duller! I didn't realise the amount of work this bad boy does. After just a few coats there is significant difference. I haven't even done a proper session with the coating and applying as I really haven't felt the need to.

Better than sex mascara, does it really work?

Are There Any Downfalls?

The only things I do have to say, is it can clump on the end of the brush, which sometimes then splatters on to your face. So as long as you're removing this before applying - you're good to go. Another thing is it's a lot more difficult to remove every inch of it. Usually my micellar water completely removes every bit of makeup, but I seem to still have panda eyes in the morning with Better Than Sex!

However, there two little bumps definitely don't deviate from the wonders that is Better Than Sex.

And is it better than sex, I hear you cry? - I never kiss and tell!

Better than sex mascara, does it really work?

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A New Luxurious Nail Polish - True Brit London

Recently at an event,  True Brit London – a new nail vanish company were there to show us their goodies. and I was lucky enough to try out some of the products. Who are True Brit London, I hear you say? Worry not, sweet readers, I got ya' - as always.

Who are True Brit London?

They’re a nail enamel range that are all about being proud of being British – their shades are inspired by British heritage and have a big focus on London style which you can see throughout their range.

What’s different about True Brit London?

Their opulent formula has been exclusively blended to embrace the very finest ingredients, including Vitamin E, Elderflower & Rose extract. They're all about the luxury element, and you can definitely tell that by the way its packaged!

Lets put it to the test!

True Brit London, the new nail polish that oozes luxury.

I've been lucky enough to try their Pall Mall* and Ladies Day* colours. One a lovely deep purple, and the other classic Barbie pink!

Ladies Day

Out of the two, I thought I would have preferred the pink right off the bat. I've always been a fan of pink (although, I'm trying to step away from this now!) so when I saw this colour, I was immediately excited.

When I tried it on my nails, I was a teenie-weenie bit disappointed with the colour. I think with my pale skin complexion it was a little *too* barbie pink, so looked a little tacky. I do however think it would look b-e-a-utiful with a tan or on darker skin.

True Brit London, the new nail polish that oozes luxury.

Pall Mall

Recently, I've definitely been in to my darker colours for nails. I tried the a new nail vanish from Little Ondine in black and loved it, so was definitely excited to see this lovely deep purple from True Brit. It didn't disappoint, at all. It's absolutely perfect for the winter season coming up and looks so luxurious and classic. Winner for me!

True Brit London, the new nail polish that oozes luxury.

Do you prefer a shocking colour nail or sophisticated chic? 

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How I Got An Affordable Luxury Handbag

Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!

Okay, so I know I have loads of handbags, but in all fairness, I usually have one that I'll use often. I've used my last few ones to death. So, I definitely don't mind updating my handbag collection when I get such good use out of them. I mean it would be rude not to, right?

Recently at an event, I met Linzy-Lou and her amazing collection of handbags. I spotted them from across the room, and my eyes lit up. One problem - we were in central London, and they looked - expensive. 

I put my game face on and cautiously walked towards what I knew in my head was going to be hell for my bank balance. Okay - so I'm looking for price tags. No price tags? Oh my god, these must be more expensive than I thought. Look at that mustard one! I MUST!

Then, as if the angels above saw the rip in the seem inside my own handbag - I saw it. "All handbags under £25.00"

I'm going to let that sink in with a visual of said bag.

Photo courtesy of @LinzyLous14  Instagram

Who are Linzy-Lou's?

They're a family run business who are passionate about providing handbag lovers like myself, with a wonderful selection of stylish bags and accessories at affordable prices (gotta love em' right?!), allowing everybody the ability to treat themselves or their loved ones and not feel extremely guilty about bleeding their bank balance dry. 

They offer lots of different styles and this really shows on their website. 

Okay, so my one isn't on the website, because I managed to nab the last one Linzy-Lou's had. I know right? I won't feel guilty. I won't, I wont. 

There was also a beautiful black one that I saw in the event which has recently been added to the website! It's a proper classic black bag, which you could definitely dress up or down.

In The Flesh

Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!

So after falling in love with the bag at the event, it needed to live up to its expectations. It did, and more! It came with a shoulder strap, has a zipper on the back and inside, and a little compartment for your phone. 

Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!

You can also unzip the sides to make the bag bigger! I've only wore it out a few times and I've already had so many comments on it. I think the colour definitely sets it aside from anything else. I used to have a similar one in the same colour a few years ago from Debenhams and I paid a fortune for it. So I'm definitely over the moon with my new buy. 

Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!Want a luxury handbag at an affordable price? Check out my blog to see Linzy-Lou's affordable handbags. You won't be disappointed!

Check out the full collection on Linzy-Lous' website. You won't be disappointed!

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