Kleem Organics - The Serum with 20% Vitamin C Content

For the past few weeks I have updated my skin care routine. Up until a year ago - that skin care routine didn't even exist. I began with the basics and started using a set of toners, moisturisers and cleansers. I only found that this seemed to make my skin worse with the amount of added extras that they seem to put in the solutions. I decided I needed something that was very natural and had no scary added bits.

Ever since then I've been using the Dead Sea Spa Face Wash and Exfoliator, and every day I use Garnier Micellar water. I must admit they have been a god send. The water is exactly what I wanted. It's fresh, clean and drama free. My skin has drastically improved. You see, I suffer with blotchy redness on my cheeks, and have a lot of bumps under my skin. So for a while, I've felt what I've been doing has been sufficient and has helped.

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I've recently spoken with the owners of Kleem Organics* who have kindly offered me their product to try. I've added this to my regime for the past 5 weeks. First impressions - a very sleek bottle and smells deliciously fruity and fresh! The key thing about this product is the Vitamin C content - a whopping 20%, which is currently unprecedented in the UK.

Kleem Organics Key Points

Due to its light consistency, the serum penetrates deep inside the skin working on a cellular level, preventing, protecting, nourishing and repairing the skin cells with the vitamins they need to maintain a fresh, vibrant appearance. 

The high percentage (20%) of Vitamin C ensures maximum antioxidant potential in order to protect the skin against UV radiation & environmental pollution (including cigarette smoke). And the best part of all - its natural stimulation of collagen, completely renews and rejuvenates the skin from the inside out, reduction of pore size, translating into less acne and blackheads on the skin, plus elimination of excessive oil from the skin, which makes the skin less prone to acne (I know right, wowser!).

How do you use it?

The instructions tell you to use a small amount each day and rub it all over your face. I used this as part of my night-time routine. I used one pump of the serum and ensured it was all over, especially my problem areas. After it dries (which is quite quickly, about 10 seconds so be sure to rub it in fast!) you start to feel your face slightly tightening.

Does it work?

With a product like this, you can't expect to see results overnight. You need to be using the products for a good few weeks to ensure you're giving yourself realistic expectations! I've used the serum for a good few weeks now, and I started noticing very small enhancements quite early on, not massive improvements, but minor ones. The elasticity of my skin seemed to be better and more youthful (I'm in my twenties so I'm not fighting a massive battle here, but still every little helps).

I also found that the blotchy redness - the stuff that made me look like I'd ran 3 laps - seemed to die down. Again not massively difference but enough of a difference that I've noticed. It has really made my skin brighter, a glow if you will, and definitely feels fresher. I'm still in the process of using my serum, so I'm hoping these improvements are going to continue! 

You can try Kleem out for yourself here. Let me know what you think of it!

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