A Hidden Gem: Hedge Maze, Crazy Golf & Butterfly Zoo

I'm always looking for somewhere fun to go that doesn't break the bank. Every time I've traveled to the midlands, I've always noticed a sign for 'Hedge Maze' in Ross-on-Wye on my way back to Wales and I've always been so intrigued! I've never actually got round to ever going, and it was my friends birthday so I thought it was the perfect opportunity for a good day out.

We checked it out on their website first and saw that they had Crazy Golf and a Butterfly Zoo, too! All for an amazing price of £6.15. Honestly, that's cheaper than a cinema ticket. 

When we got there, we bought our ticket and headed straight to the maze. There was a lady on the front who explained the different ways people play and who the owners of the maze were. We decided to all go together at first - it was a little scary! I don't think we realised how big the hedges actually were. We got lost so many times, but we did eventually make it to the middle, where a lovely arch was. 

 We then went around again - but this time we raced each other. Me and Ross went running in to each other and I asbolutely screamed the place down! I think this put me off my game, and sadly I came second. But the poor birthday girl, went round... and round... and well, round again. We were sat in the middle waiting for quite a while.

I managed to catch a video - hilarious. 

You then go through to a bunch of smaller puzzles on the wall and in boxes. It explains where the maze came from, and where they can be found all over Britain. The surroundings are so beautiful, and it's never short of a picture moment, which is why I took so many!

Next, we went in to the Butterfly Zoo. You have to go through the Butterfly Gift Shop, wash your hands and use a protective door and they tell you about the butterflies and give you a booklet on the different kinds they have there. We got in and the birthday girl freaked out and couldn't go through with it! To be honest, it was a little daunting at first, as they would land on you, but after being in there for five minutes you kind of got used to it and was enable to enjoy how beautiful they were. It was absolutely roasting in the greenhouse! Came out absolutely sweating buckets, but it was so worth it. 

After the Butterfly Zoo, we had the Crazy Golf to go! There were lots of different little tricks you had to do on each turn. They definitely did a lot with a small space!

There was also a caravan park, literally around the corner so absolutely perfect if you fancy some time away. There's also an absolutely stunning hotel directly opposite the site, with some of its very own gorgeous surroundings.

I'd definitely recommend giving this a go for a day out for all ages, especially when you don't want to break the bank! 

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