Visting London

London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

I'm finally home, cwtched up in bed after a weekend with my bestie.

I love London, but equally couldn't wait to get out of the hustle and bustle. I was so nervous about travelling up alone, but I managed to score a two seater all by myself. So it was feet up, snack bag open (yes, a bag dedicated to snacks - it was a three hour bus ride!) and Pretty Little Liars all the way there.. Not too shabby!

We went sightseeing (you have to, no matter how many times you've been, right?) and to the Science Museum. I think I was expecting a giant Techniquest, but it was interesting all the same... Although, we definitely had the most fun in the gift shop. Probably the best part of any day out!

London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

Yes, that's a selfie stick in my hand. Honestly, it kept us laughing all day long. Between the looks off people and the fact we couldn't take a decent photo they turned out hilarious. I hadn't used it yet, and thought that this weekend was the perfect opportunity to whip it out.  

London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

And trust me to have chosen the hottest weekend in the history of the world to go to London. Honestly, it was so damn warm. As if it isn't hot enough squished on the underground like a tin of sardines, you have to chuck Sahara Desert weather on top of it. Although it did make for pretty pictures.

Trafalger Square, London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

Big Ben, Westminster, London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

In the night we went to Fabric Nightclub. It was open until 9am.. Crazy! But we did last till 6:45. Getting a bus and overground home at that time was not one of my greatest moments. But it was definitely worth it, we had a blast.

London, Blogger, Pink Hair, Levis, Suitcase, Road Trip, Trip, Weekend Away, Fabric, Sightseeing, Sunny, Tourist, Best Friends, Friend, England, Megabus, Museum, Selfie Stick

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