The Ultimate Holiday Guide: Ibiza Edit

As you probably know from my ramblings on Twitter, I'm heading to the sunny isle of Ibiza in the summer and I am so excited. I'm going for 5 nights and staying in a beautiful villa just outside of Playa D'en Bossa.

This'll be my third time on the beautiful island, and it's honestly like no other place on earth. If this is your first time - you'll make memories which will last you a lifetime. If you're heading back, then you'll know what I mean!

Here's some hints and tips to get the most out of your time there;

There is so much going on, you better at least look at a schedule before you go. Head over to Ibiza Spotlight where they have a full schedule for the summer for all of the big clubs and events. Trust me, it's worth it. This way you can have an idea of what you want to do when you get there. Otherwise, Club Promoters will eat you for breakfast. 

Get a cash passport - you won't have to carry cash around with you, and it isn't connected to your bank account. Also, if your card is lost or stolen, they get a new one sent to where you're staying. I would also recommend taking some cash with you though, so you don't need to keep going to the cash machine.

Walk across the beach in the day time - it'll get you cheaper entry! Lots of the main clubs have parades around San Antonio to attract club goers for the evening. They hand out flyers with discounts. There's also a long, long line of Club Promoters along the beach front waiting with wristbands and drinks vouchers for particular bars/clubs.

Hint: do not act like it is your first time. They will see you coming a mile off, and put you on a "packed" bar crawl which will be empty. Seriously, it's Ibiza, nobody does bar crawls. Go to a certified shop and buy your tickets there. They have nothing to gain from selling you tickets, they'll speak the truth! There's a record shop on the strip called Solo Records which is reliable.

There are buses that run to and from the clubs (well, close). You can pick up a schedule from the shops and it show the best buses for each of the clubs. This will save you a fortune. Plus, the buses have a great atmosphere on the way! There'll probably be police around when you're waiting at the station, don't worry, they're there to keep you safe. The bus station is at the very top of the West End. If you keep walking up the hill, you should get to it.

Definitely take a bag that you won't have to carry. Between the amount of people at the venues, getting to the bar, holding your drinks, taking pictures, dancing - you won't want to be holding a clutch. Invest in a bumbag (super safe also) or a backpack. If you do decide on a backpack, ensure you get one that has a hidden zip. I have a lovely one from Missguided that has a zip on the back of the bag that goes against your back. This way if somebody fancies digging through my bag, I know my essentials are safe.

Think really dressed up but as if you're hitting the beach. This is Ibiza, you'll see the extremes of both sides here, so mostly anything goes, but if you want to go with the flow a casual spin on a very glitsy outfit doesn't go a miss.

Do not take heels! Honestly, don't bother. There's like 1% who decide to do this, and you see them in visible agony. Ibiza is non-stop and you don't want to have to leave at 1am (clubs open at 12am) because your feet hurt. Especially at 50 euro a pop.

Last but not least...

Little Gem
If you're giving the big clubs a miss for the evening but still fancy some atmosphere and good music, head to Hush on the West End. It's an amazing hidden gem and gets really busy in the nights. It's open until 5am and often has up and coming DJs playing. 

Events change year on year, but there's always some that stick around. Kisstory was by far one of the best nights I went to. It has an amazing atmosphere, everyone's loving the old school tunes and you know every word to every song. This night is also a bit more mainstream, which is perfect for people who are not that in to the deep house side of Ibiza. 

Have an amazing time & stay safe!

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Is £2.50 for a Liquid Lipstick Worth it?

With how much make-up can cost these days, when I see something for under the £5.00 mark, I can't help but be a little apprehensive on whether it actually works. But lately, there's been a lot more of this, where the smaller, cheaper brands are taking the likes of Anastasia Beverly Hills and the massive price tags on. We're seeing make-up brands like Make Up Revolution, who are dedicated to duping the brands that not everybody can afford, making it more accessible for everyone.

Take this Essence lipstick for example - from the outset, I think it looks really sleek, fresh and could possibly have a pretty hefty price tag. However, this bad boy costs just £2.50.

This is a lipstick with a twist. It has an innovative formula that brings the best parts of lipstick and a glass together, combining coverage of a lipstick with the shine of a gloss. The packaging is also really cool. It really shows what you're getting - it has the bottle of a lip-gloss, but the shape of a lipstick.

The shade I have is 04 Show Off and is an absolute bargain at £2.50. Lets see if the bargain is worth it, shall we?

It applies really easily, but like anything of this shade, you have to be very careful of where you get it. It feels really nice on and isn't too clammy, but doesn't have the blotchy-ness of a lipstick either. It's not the type of thing I'd wear on a regular basis, but for every now and then, or maybe in the summer I think it's perfect. Something you can easily toss in your bag to brighten up any outfit.

For me, the bargain is a good un! Not too shabby for Mimi.

Do you have any steals that have followed through on their promise?

Buy Essence Liquid Lipstick here, for £2.50.

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What Would a Twenty-Something Year Old Do?

Being twenty-something comes with immense pressures. This year I'll be turning 25, and the impending doom that if I applied for The X Factor (not that I ever could, I'd trump the chicken man) I'd be on the Over's category honestly makes me want to sob into one of my many, many blankets. The last year or so, my taste has gone from buying that little black dress, to buying as many knitted things I can get my hands on (don't get me wrong, I'd never turn down a little black dress).

Nothing comforts me more than sitting in my Super-King, with new PJs, a sitcom I've been binge watching on Netflix for a day or two and some fluffy socks. I can't be the only one who now shudders at the thought of standing awkwardly in a nightclub, complaining that everyone looks about 16 (seriously, when did they start letting children into clubs?).

It's funny how a year or so of aging can actually age you.

I now indulge in colouring, many baths (although this has always been a favourite of mine), lighting candles, buying bedding and most importantly not consuming alcohol. I really dislike the lack of control, and the amount of money you spend to not remember an evening of your life. I don't actually like the taste of alcohol, so I drink only on nights out, which kind of makes the whole thing a little pointless. 

I don't crave the weekend antics much anymore. Don't get me wrong, every now and then I'll have the urge to go and have a dance, but the last few times this has happened I've ended up in a 24 hour steakhouse, complaining about the weather and my feet; which means my friends are also lacking the urge of the slippery, sticky nightclub floor.

I don't have any regrets of my adolescent years; there's some things I'd probably change if I knew then what I know now, but I know I was young and you live and you learn. Like most of us there's definitely some stuff I'd love to have told my 18 year old self...

1. Live

Seriously, go - party, have fun. Life is stressful when you're 18, right? It only gets worse. And worse. Oh, yeah - and worse. The older you get the more stressful life is, so cherish the freedom you have when you have it. Don't worry - it's not all doom and gloom, you'll have some of the best moments of your life when you're older, but deciding to go to a nightclub at 11pm won't be an option when you have work at 8:30 the next morning (or maybe you will, in that case you're braver than me).

2. Save

I'm in my mid-twenties and have only recently actually started saving any money. The sudden realisation that I may hit 30 with no home to call my own came crashing down some time last year, and all I thought was how much money I could've saved by now, even if it was a small amount every month. I'm not saying don't splash out every now and then, but when you get a nice amount of money for a birthday or a holiday, put it away. Future you will thank past you, as future you needs to splash out, too.

If you're as bad at saving, like I am, invest in a 'Pot of Dreams'. You can't access the money
in it without smashing the pot. If you only fill it with £2 coins, it'll get you £1000 when it's filled!

3. Love 

Well... I'm not telling you to go stand on the street corner, but live your life. If the guy across the bar tickles your fancy, what's stopping you? As long as you're safe and comfortable, follow your urge! They'll probably be the moments you and your friends can giggle over when you're approaching 40 sipping on some cocktails. Your first love will always carry a special bond. But your first love isn't the be all and end all of your love life. 

4. Appreciate The Golden Oldies

When life is busy, it's easy to forget that the clock is forever ticking. People are not going to be around forever, and appreciating the time you have with them is really important. Plus, they always pass on some pretty handy wisdom. Some of my best memories are spent with my grandparents, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

5. Be Selfish

I definitely don't mean be like Regina George, but what I do mean is you need to look out for yourself. Most of the time, the people you think who've got your back, are the ones who put a knife there. Friends, family and partners - you'll be surprised who actually cares, and who's just along for the ride. You don't need these people in your life. If someone makes you feel less about yourself when you're with them, remember this golden rule - you're choosing to be there. Take control of your life. Get rid of the wrong un's. If you're choosing to hang around with somebody, choose somebody who enriches your life, who uplifts you; not somebody who tares you down and makes you feel less of yourself.

So that's it folks - what would be your words of wisdom?

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