My Black Friday Bargains

So, it's been like one year since the manic Black Friday sales hit the UK. For me, Black Friday was always the Friday just before Christmas where everyone would go to their local pub and get absolutely smashed/trollied/plastered. Having questioned this with a few people, it doesn't seem that this was a thing for everybody! I sure as hell didn't ever participate, and only once did I ever brave a Christmas Eve trip to the pub, although got demanded home by 11pm as my mother would have murdered me if I'd have been hungover on Christmas Day. And no matter how old I am, she still thinks I should be sleeping by midnight on the dot ready for 'Santa' to arrive.

We seem to have taken on the American tradition of Black Friday, sometime in November, the Friday after 'Thanksgiving'. I mean, this is a bit bizarre that we've taken this on - we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so why the need to take on this 'holiday'? What ever the reason, it seems to have made people and retailers a little loopy. This year included, albeit much more controlled than the absolute havoc that was raised last year. 

I didn't plan in getting involved in Black Friday. I think it's a little bit of a farse, and you can definitely get better deals throughout the year, but they smack on a catchy looking slogan and banner and it seems to do the trick. Well, I kinda, sorta, definitely didn't stick to my "not getting involved" in Black Friday promise. 

I was browsing Missguided as I usually do - popping things in my basket then sadly clicking the 'x' at the top right hand corner. However, on this occasion, I spotted 20% off everything banner (the glitsy ones as mentioned previously), which I thought was pretty good. So I put an order through for two dresses and two tops. I felt I did well. The two dresses were for work, one top also for work, and one going out top;

Then, after I'd checked out - I saw they were having flash sales. Like, literally one every three hours. I had to have a look, because the previous ones were really juicy! I waited eagerly for the flash sale to start and to my delight it was 50% off jackets. Now, it wasn't as if I needed anymore jackets, but with 50% off I definitely could've fitted a few more in my closet. Also, with my new work attire I just ordered (excluding the drop hole bodysuit, that would be an interesting day at the office) I could've used some knitwear to top it off. Here's what I ordered;

Okay - I didn't stop there. I'm surprised Randy from Chase-Visa hasn't been calling me. 

The final installment of my Missguided ravage was their 50% off tops. I was subtle this time. With the other two orders, the "Free UK Next Day Delivery over £60" got me absolutely hook-line-sinker. However, for my third order, I stopped myself, and just paid the £3.00 delivery cost. I mean is it just me, or when I see those sorts of offers do I think that it works out cheaper to spend the £60 rather than the £20 I wanted to originally, just because I get free delivery? Like what sort of logic is that? Marketing genius is what it is. Anywho - here's what else I got;

In all fairness, I got one of my packages the next day as promised, and the other two came a day late, but I was even surprised at that because I can't imagine the amount of orders that must have been put through!

My favourite buy was definitely the Grey Bomber Jacket. It is SO comfy and makes me feel a little bit like the Michelin Man. 

Did you manage to nab any Black Friday/Cyber Monday - whateverthehell you want to call it - bargains? 

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